Just a human who loves design.

For the past 5 years, I've been on a wild ride as a UI/UX designer, working with some amazing companies and a diverse group of freelance clients. But it's not just designing that I've been doing, for over a decade now, I've been a jack-of-all-trades freelancer - from capturing stunning photos and videos, to crafting killer marketing strategies, curating top-notch content, creating captivating advertisements, and directing social media campaigns - all while dabbling in graphic design. It's been a blast!

When it comes to design tools, Figma is my ultimate BFF. But don't get me wrong, I can hang with the cool kids too - Sketch, Adobe CC, Zeplin, and all the other popular tools are all on my roster. Let's just say, I've got a toolbox that would make Bob the Builder jealous.
I know a thing or two on how to make

Products (01)

Creating a product is always a thrilling adventure, but there's always that one moment when you look at your work and wonder "Will anyone actually use this?".

But that's where the real fun begins! Talking to potential users, and analyzing data from A/B testing and heat maps, it's like going on a treasure hunt for user insights. I get a kick out of understanding how people think and what motivates them to use something that I had a hand in creating. It's the perfect balance of qualitative and quantitative analysis, like chips ahoy and milk - they just go together.

Branding (02)

When it comes to business plans, it's like decoding a secret treasure map - what's the ultimate goal? Does it align with the company's unique personality? Is the voice consistent and prominent? Do we want to make a loud splash or go for a more subtle approach? The ultimate goal is to make sure that every time someone visits our page or sees our social media, they have a delightful experience that they won't forget. We want to be remembered, but for all the right reasons.

User Acceptance Testing (03)

When it comes to talking to "real live humans" about products and features, I'm your go-to person. Sure, numbers don't lie, but they can't capture the emotions people feel when they first lay their eyes on something. That's where my secret weapon comes in - open-ended questions and a relaxed approach. Not only do they help me identify pain points, but they also uncover new ones that data might have missed. I've done user acceptance testing (UAT) the traditional way, with a deployed product, and I've also worked in agile environments, where I can create designs on Figma and walk users through the user flow live.

At the end of the day, feedback is the key to keeping users happy and satisfied, and that's my ultimate goal.